Lauren Bacall, she was a superstar, a celebrity, stunning, haughty,
come-hither glorious. As Betty Perske Weinstein Bacal (pick
one), she was
a poor Jewish girl from a broken home who worked like a dog, made
herself a
cover girl, and got noticed by pretty much all of Hollywood, notably
Hawks's wife Slim. She would spend the rest of her life commuting
Lauren and Betty, and when Bogart and her career died, she moved her
back to New York, where she could be Betty, formerly of the Bronx, now
in the
Dakota on the Upper West Side. She would never again be the Lauren
of To
Have and Have Not or Key Largo, but she
won Tonys, made
mostly crummy films, wrote wonderful books, raised kids. She was his
widow at
just 32, but she said her obit would be mostly about Bogey, and if
the New
York Times is any indication, she was right on the money.
From that obit:
"You just learn to
cope with whatever you have
to cope with. I spent my childhood in New York, riding on subways and
And you know what you learn if you're a New Yorker? The world doesn't
owe you a
damn thing."
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